“The truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.”
— Don Quixote
DID YOU KNOW? reading a positive quote first thing each morning will help you have a good day because it gives your subconscious inspirational and motivational words to reflect upon throughout the day. It’s true!

Be inspired and encouraged by reading our Quote of the Day; start your day anew with inspiration found in these positive quotes. Read and take on the wisdom of those who have gone ahead of us; allow their wise words to motivate us every day of the week.
You’ll find topics like simplicity, happiness, inner peace, success, stoicism, learning, focus, discipline, creativity, and of course, wisdom.
You’ll also discover authors like Marcus Aurelius, Einstein, Helen Keller, Maya Angelou, Thoreau, Bruce Lee, Rumi, Buddha, myself!, and a lot more.
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